Mission: To reach, teach, and empower students to live fearlessly and lead their generation to Christ.
We see a student lead youth ministry that is fresh, real, and powerful!
A ministry that builds and develops next generational leaders who will go on to impact schools, cities, states, and nations in the name of Jesus Christ.
A ministry that has a deep culture of faith, identity, family, health, and love.
A home to every student where they feel like they are welcome and belong.
For more information, email us at fearless@churchalive.tv or follow us on Instagram.
To subscribe to the newsletter or see all the most up to date info on events, check out our flowpage.
What is discord and why does Fearless YTH use it?
Discord is an online platform which allows for people to connect and build an online community. Think of it as a large groupchat, but with more features. We currently encourage all students and parents to join the FearlessYTH discord and gain access to the community we are building! You can join our server here!
Student chats with their small group and direct leader
Student chats with all of High school/Middle school
Upcoming Announcements
Team updates if your student serves
Online challenges through the week
Parent chat, for parents to connect to leaders and other parents
The Internet can be a dangerous place for any student, and Discord does have other potentially harmful communities that any student could join. We encourage every parent to check into the “Family Center” settings on the app. Read more about it here.
You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all people, revealing yourselves, that you are a letter of Christ, delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
2 Corinthians 3:2-3